Heterogeneous Graph and Knowledge Graph
1. Heterogeneous Graphs
G = (V, E, R, T)
V : set of nodes, which have their types in set T
E : set of edges, which have their relations type in set R
R : set of relations
T : set of nodes’ type
2. Relation GCN
h_v^{(l+1)} = \sigma(\sum_{r \in R}\sum_{u\in N_v^r}\frac1{c_{v,r}} W_r^{(l)}h_u^{(l)}+W_0^{(l)}h_v^{(l)})
Block Diagonal Matrices
use B low-dim matrices to present $W_r^{(l)}$, which reduce parameters from $d^{(l)}\times d^{(l+1)}$ to $B\times \frac{d^{(l+1)}}B \times \frac{d^{(l)}}B$
Basis Learning
regard $W_r^{(l)} = \sum_{b=1}^B a_{rb}^{(l)}\cdot V_b^{(l)}$ , where $V_b^{(l)}$ is shared and each relation need only learn ${a_{rb}^{l}}$
3. RGCN For Link Prediction
- Split edges into training message edges, training supervision edges, validation edges and test edges
- use RGCN to score the training supervision edges
- create negative edges by perturbing the training supervision edges
- use RGCN to score the negative edges
- max the score of training supervision edges while min the score of negative edges
- calculate the score of test edges
- calculate the score of negative edges, which produced by perturbing the test edges and not belong to training message edges and training supervision edges
- obtain the ranking RK of test edges
- calculate metrics (Higher is Better)
- Hits K : 1[RK <= K]
- Reciprocal Rank : 1 / RK
4. Knowledge Graph Definition
Nodes labeled with Types —— Entities with Types
Edges between Nodes —— Relations between Entities
5. Knowledge Completion Task
Given an enormous KG, and (head, relation), predict the missing tails
Key Idea of KG Presentation
- associate entities and relations with shallow embeddings
- embeddings of (h,r) should be close to embedding of t
Key Question
- how to embed (h,r)
- how to define closeness
Relation Pattern
Symmetric : if r(a,b) then r(b,a)
Antisymmetric : if r(a,b) then $\neg$r(b,a)
inverse : if r1(a,b) then r2(b,a)
composition / transitive : if r1(a,b) and r2(b,c) then r3(a,c)
1-to-N : r(a,b1), r(a,b2), …, r(a,bn) is true
for a triple (h, r, t), we hope $h + r \approx t$ if given fact is true else $h + r \ne t$
Scoring function
f_r(h,t) = - |h+r-t|
Update Formulation
\sum_{[(h,l,t),(h’,l,t’)]\in batchT} \nabla [\gamma + d(h+l,t) - d(h’+l,t’)]\
k is the dim of embeddings
1 | def TransE(S:set[{h,l,t}],E:set[entities],L:set[link],k:int,): |
expression power
could express
- antisymmetric
- inverse
- composition
but can’t express
- symmetric
- 1-to-N
Entities in the Entity Space $\mathbb R^{d}$
Relations in the Relation Space $\mathbb R^k$
Projection matrix $M\in R^{d\times k}$ project entities to the Relation Space
For Entity h and t, we hope the projections of them in the Relation Space satisfy $h_\bot + l \approx t_\bot$
Scoring Function
f_r(h,t) = -|h_\bot +l-t_\bot|
Expression Power
could express:
- antisymmetric
- inverse
- symmetric
- 1-to-N
can’t express
- composition / transition
Bilinear Modeling : DistMult
min the cosine similarity between h * r and t
Scoring Function
f_r(h,t) = \sum_i h_i \cdot l_i \cdot t_i
Expression Power
could express
- symmetric
- 1-to-N
can’t express
- antisymmetric
- inverse
- composition
embedding entities and relations in Complex vector space
Scoring Function
f_r(h,t) = Re(\sum_i h_i \cdot r_i \cdot \bar t_i)\
t_i = a + b i \Rightarrow \bar t_i = a - b i
Expression Power
could express
- symmetric
- antisymmetric
- inverse
- 1-to-N
can’t express
- composition